Exodus 29-32

Roman Catholic understand the importance of keeping Holy the Lord's day.  The commandment was keeping Holy the Sabbath (Saturday), but Christ's Resurrection has taken the place of our our observance of the Sabbath.  We hope it does at the least.

I have always found Aaron's denial and his story to be one of ridiculousness.  "24 'Let anyone has gold jewelry take it off' They gave it to me, and I threw it into the fire and this calf came out."

Threw the gold in and this nicely formed statue just magically popped out the fire with no molding and the like.  This is how ridiculous we sound when we lie and do not tell the truth.  God Knows All.  Do not be a fool and be honest to yourself and others.  Lies will only hurt.  

An idol does not have to be a statue, but can be anything.  No one in our church should be praying to a statue as the Old Testament states the importance of idol worship.  These statues are merely images of the saint/Jesus who is in heaven.  I know most of us know that here, but sometimes worry about other people.  What are you putting in front of God? Basically anything you give more time/devotion/energy/money can be considered an idol.  Technology, material things, television, sports, etc etc can be an idol.  Reflect on these things and get rid of them.  

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you are the True Source of Happiness and the Father of Life.  Help me to trust in You and put nothing else before you.  I am a sinner and acknowledge my faults.  Jesus gave his life for me and I accept the Blood of the Lamb to wipe away my sins.  Give me the Grace to increase my faith, become a better follower of you and know your Truths.  I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus.  

Question:  How do we know what Jewish traditions/rules should we keep versus the others that we do not?  Are there health/other important aspects in these traditions/rules?


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