
Showing posts from May, 2018

Ch 88 Curiousity about People

Curiosity, curiosity, curiosity.  How many of my daily dealings deal with curiosity of others?  The saying, "curiosity killed the cat" should also be mindful of what curiosity can lead to.  I should avoid gossips of others as much as possible.  I should worry about myself and not my neighbor. Pray: Heavenly Father, give me the strength and fortitude to avoid the temptation of gossip.  Worrying about myself first and foremost and blocking out the noise will lead to future successes.  I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Ch 87 Curiousity of the Eyes

Curiosity of the eyes takes a huge amount of self control for a man such as myself.  I captured this image a while back on what power the eyes have on the mind and feel it connects with today's readings.    As you can see the eyes are directly programmed into the brain.  From there it is like a drug and directly gets injected by one's internals.  The eyes are the windows to the soul is indeed something to ponder.   Pray: Heavenly Father, give me self-control as it is a gift of the Holy Spirit.  I can not do it by myself, but need your love and support.  Please help me to over come sins of the flesh and bring me to everlasting life. I pray this in the name of Jesus Amen.

Ch 86 Needless Curiousity

Do not interject yourself into the daily dealings of watercooler gossip.  Who cares about the meaningless aspects of others lives.  Be more productive and avoid distractions.  Concentrate on items that directly affect my life. Pray: Heavenly Father, please assist me in avoiding the daily gossips of the day and help me to make the most of my day.  I should be worrying about myself and not my neighbor's dealings.  I pray this in the Powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

Ch 85 The Folly of Worldliness

Thoughts: Do not be blinded by the world's ambitions, titles, and allures.  God has a plan for you.  Please  accept His Will.  If you follow the world ways it will ultimately end in bitterness.  Worldly pleasures do not bring true happiness.  On a death bed one does not worry about material possessions, but is more focused on their loved ones, their previous life, and getting their heart right with God. Pray: Heavenly Father, thank you for the gifts, talents, and resources you have given me.  Thank you for my friends, job, and family.  I pray that I may make good use of these items for Your Greater Glory and Honor.  I pray this in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Ch 84 Unchartiable Criticism

It is human nature for people to criticize.  How do I react when criticized?  I should not engage in gossip and one should change the subject if hearing so.  Speak of others as you would want to be spoken of when absent. Pray Heavenly Father.  Thank you for this day and Thank you for Your Love.  Helmp me to have an inkling of your love towards others to include those who I inherently do not like.  Protect me from my enemies.  i pray this in the powerful name of Jesus.  Amen.

Ch 83 Rash Judgements

One must not speak ill of others.  Do nt judge, but come to the awareness of getting your own life in order. Pray: Heavenly Father, Grant me the serneity to obey your commands and to love others.  Help me be the man you want me to be. Amen. 

Ch 82 Fault Finding

God alone is Mighty and Strong.  God created me out of nothing.  My gifts and talents must be recognized as gitf from God.  Even though one may have many gifts; one is ridiculed with faults and shortcomings.  One must worry about getting their life in order before worrying about the faults of another. Pray:  Heavenly Father, Thank you for the gifts and talents you have given me.  Thank you for your love and mery.  I recognize that I am nothing without you.  Help me to accept the good with the bad and help me to work on my faults and shortcomings.  I pray this in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Ch 91 Vain Reliance on Human Help

Thoughts: Do not trust in man alone.  Today he could be your friend; tomorrow your enemy.  If you want an example please see no further than Judas Iscariot.  After all he betrayed Jesus with a kiss.  It does not get any lower than this.  Let us think this could never happen to us. Pray: Heavenly Father, please send your Holy Spirit for Wisdom and Counsel.  I need not look to man for advice, but listed to your Spirit.  I pray that you may give me the answer that I desire and know you will guide my life in the proper direction.  Thank you for this answered request;  I pray this in the Name of Jesus the Lord.   Amen.

Ch 90 Love of Novelty and Variety

Thoughts: Curiosity in control can be a positive thing.  One could say all things in moderation.  Self-control is a gift of the Holy Spirit and we need to strive and ask God for it. Pray: Divine Inspirer,  O' Holy Spirit please give me the gift of self-control.  Help me to control my desires and sins of the flesh.  Help me to take control of my life and fight the spiritual battle that is happening all around me.  I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Ch 92 Detractors and Human Opinion

Thoughts: Why should one worry about what others think about them?  If one is living a righteous holy life, then they need not worry about this.  Live for God and think about; who does God say that we are? Pray: Heavenly Father, I pray that you may watch over me.  Help me to not worry about what others think about me or my status in the world.  I ask for Your Grace to put You first in my life.  If I strive for Heaven then all else will fall into place.  I pray this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Wisdom Ch2

Thoughts: Our days are fleeting.  We are headed in one direction and that is towards death.  Let us enjoy the life that we have while we still have our lives.  If we have our health let us enjoy it.  Let us enjoy our loved ones and spend time with them because no one knows when the last breath will occur.  Cherish the important things in life (i.e. family love). Pray: Heavenly Father, please allow me to know whom I am.  Please let me know who you are and help me to cherish the love that you have for me on a daily basis.  Assist me in spending time with my loved ones and realizing the most important things in life.  Help me to know what will cause regret on my dying bed.  I pray this in the name of Jesus.  Amen.